I hope this thread isnt dead, because i have some questions about it.
1. When you click "generate path" strange pointer in (0;0) appears. I fixed by changing Source.PathFinder.getPathListLength to Source.PathFinder.getPathListLength-1
<img src="http://puu.sh/3vRbD.png" border="0" />
2. Name of loop in Event and in Sub-event is different, so i decided to delete sub-event and move actions to the main event, and it's still works fine, huh. Is it okay?
<img src="http://puu.sh/3vRzR.png" border="0" />
3. Your Pathfinder is calculating cells size from the beginning of the layout, right?
Im using X = round(mouse.x/32)*32 and Y = round(mouse.y/32)*32 action to place "finish" point, for example, and it turns out that the coordinates are generated indented 16 pixels.
<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/34384736/w.gif" border="0" />
And I get this:
<img src="http://puu.sh/3vRQU.png" border="0" />
Any suggestions how to fix this?