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How do I write this better?
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I am trying to understand arrays and functions. I have no prior programming knowledge, but I think I get the gist. In this instance, I want to create a very bas...

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Checkers B.C.S [Devlog]
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Hey guys, I'm here with another fun project I would like to start on the side while working on my main project ( Mouse ). While Checkers is a well known popular...

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This is the first game I actually ever "Finished", its super short and I made it for the sake of learning Construct, so despite it being super basic I'm somewha...

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👋 I’d like to introduce myself and share an exciting new chapter in my professional journey. I’m Villalba Juan Manuel Pedro, and I’ve been a dedicated Javascri...

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Having issues accessing children
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Hey all, I'm just getting started in Construct 3, though I am extremely familiar with programming (C++/C#/Javascript/etc). I'm just learning this low/no code en...

posted 3 days ago