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Is there a way to read/scan Code 128 ?
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I'm developing at the moment an Android app. Issue is, I'm looking for a way to somehow read Code 128 via the camera. So far I didn't had any success. Is there...

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Swap background of photo / developer needed
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I need someone who will integrate following functionality into my Construct 3 project: I need following: User will take selfie within the app (created into Cons...

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How do I make my levels screen by screen?
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I want to make a game in similar vein to I want to Be The Guy, and I want to make the entire game just one large level split up into individual screens similar...

posted 2 years ago
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How do I scroll the camera away from the player?
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For my game I have something like a cutscene, where the camera wants to move smoothly away from the character to show something important happening on the other...

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I'm wondering how to translate these X and Y locations of different characters from a side scroll perspective to other 2D perspectives, and vise versa. Here's a...

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How do I rotate camera around player in first person?
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I am attempting to do some 3D stuff. I am using the Vehicle Switching Template and so far have made it first person. Now I am trying to get the 3D camera to rot...

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Hey folks. I've just published a new free template right here: It's just some glue between the js-aruco2 library and Construct 3. It allows you to use basic ID...

posted 2 years ago
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Camera zoom in when close to target a la Samurai Showdown
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I'm trying to create a camera effect like Samurai Showdown where the closer a player gets to their target, the more zoomed-in the camera is on the player, with...

posted 1 years ago
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How do I Maker the Camera follow the player at an offset?
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I need my camera to follow the player at an offset since I have the UI cover the rightmost 4th of the screen, I want the player to be centered to the remaining...

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Dynamic Swivel Camera with a Limited Range
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I'm attempting to make a simple "open world" racer with a 3D camera pinned behind the Car object. The 3D Camera (hereafter, Cam) is attached to an Arm sprite ob...

posted 1 years ago