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First we need to create a game. I did for example shooter. And he made buttons for touch . See how it looks. After the game, we have exported to HTML 5. We need...

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Creating an analog joystick.
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You might've seen here is a control in the games. Here we need sprites. In the main image editor ukruga do this: A small circle of giving such behavior: Red, bl...

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First of all, this not a tutorial how to make touch screen button function for mobile. But this is a preview for using touch screen in Android mobile phone. Als...

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How to export to IOS with Ejecta
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Ejecta is a great tool to export your game to the iOS platforms. First of all, we have to say an enormous thank you to 0plus1. , who has done a incredible work...

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Maze Game for touch screen android
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This tutorial is based on Ashley Creating a game for Windows Phone 8. Now what he written I have used same principal to do this tutorial. If you're new to Const...

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On CocoonJS level: Submit form for CocoonJS premium account (it should be somewhere in CocoonJS dashboard). If you already have CocoonJS premium account then: 1...

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How to make a mobile app for your games
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If you have some cash in your hand, and you like to make your games global and known professionally , you can make a mobile app for it by an easy fast way. Firs...

10 years ago
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This tutorial will explain how to include advertisements in your Android Crosswalk project. To include advertisements in your Android game you'll have to build...

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Mobile Performance Boost
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This is one simple way to increase performance on your mobile games. Although this can be applied to PC games. I don't think you will notice any difference. Ple...

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Google Play Games - Leaderboard & Achievements
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CocoonJS Is'nt longer available! Please switch to cocoon.Io. You will find guides here. CocoonIO - Guides. Hi guys, I will show you how to setup the new Google...

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