Content tagged construct2

Construct 2 was released in 2011 and is a Windows only games engine that exports to HTML5.

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Making an iOS web app with Construct 2
89 favourites

Did you know iOS supports web apps - apps that are installed from a web page, rather than from the App Store? They'll even keep running after going offline! You...

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Using a pivot point for rotating objects
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When an object is on a pivot and you wish to rotate it, it becomes a little harder because you can't simply rotate from it's centre. You need to rotate from it'...

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Guía de principiantes de Construct en español
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Si no lo ha hecho, consiga una copia de la versión más reciente de construir 2 aquí . La Construcción de 2 Editor es sólo para Windows, pero los juegos que uste...

13 years ago
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Introduction to Families for Construct Classic
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Families are a way of grouping together objects that have similar attributes or purpose. To illustrate, let's think of the classic game BreakOut. This game invo...

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XAudio2 - Peak and RMS
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Warning: Unfortunately, the server software interprets the multiply sign as a control char. Therefore, throughout this tutorial all multiplication signs are rep...

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Construct 2 User Interface Video Tutorial
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You can watch part one of my series of video tutorials on Construct 2's interface below. Go to page 2 for the concluding part of this video tutorial! The conclu...

13 years ago
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CB Hash - MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-256 hashing algorithms.
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CornedBeef Hash. CB Hash is a plugin for Construct 2 allowing the user to hash a string and some other parameters, depending on the function, using MD5, Javascr...

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On the following pages you will find video tutorials on how to make a game in Construct 2. Below is part 1: Part 2 of my video tutorial on how to make a game in...

13 years ago
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How to make an Airplane Shooter with C2 (Video)
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NOTE: This video tutorial series is extremely outdated and the videos are no longer on YouTube. Sorry! 7 Part Video Tutorial for making an airplane shooter game...

13 years ago
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New to Construct: where to start ?
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You may just have found about Scirra's creation tools and are considering using them to make your future application/game. Nevertheless, this is a new world for...